How to choose the flush pump for decanter centrifuge?

When it comes to choosing a flush pump for a decanter centrifuge, numerous users often have the same question: Can the existing sludge feeding pump double as a flushing pump? Specifically, many consider the idea of adding a water line to the suction area of the current feed pump for this purpose. The proposed process entails closing the sludge valve and opening the water valve to initiate the flushing action. Nevertheless, grasping the correct configuration is crucial to guarantee top-notch performance.

GN Solids Control suggests employing the centrifuge’s feeding screw pump as the flush pump. This recommendation offers both economic advantages and operational efficiency. To put it into practice, a T-piece needs to be inserted into the suction pipe of the feeding pump and then connected to a dedicated water line. Through separate valves, operators can control the water line and the slurry feeding pipe independently, enabling seamless transitions between the feeding and flushing modes.

By leveraging the feeding screw pump for flushing, operators can enjoy dual functionality, eliminating the necessity for an additional, stand-alone flush pump. This setup streamlines the overall system and brings an extra perk: the water line can effectively flush and cleanse the settled solids within both the screw pump and the feeding pipelines. As a result, the entire system stays clean, averting blockages and ensuring the decanter centrifuge operates continuously and efficiently.

In general, if the aforementioned setup is properly implemented, a separate flushing pump usually isn’t required. However, in cases where unique operational circumstances demand more flushing power or a particular pump configuration, considering a separate flushing pump could be a viable option, like screw pump, centrigugal pump, surry pump, etc…

To sum it up, GN Solids Control’s recommended practice of using the feeding screw pump for flushing represents an effective solution. It boosts system efficiency, cuts down on equipment requirements, and keeps the centrifuge in prime working condition. This approach mirrors GN Solids Control’s dedication to supplying high-quality, cost-effective solutions for solids control and waste management across diverse industries.