July 09 2014

In the yard of GN Solids Control,  there are 2 sets 500gpm HDD mud system ready for delivery. The customer is China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (short as CPP), China largest HDD contractor. Since year of 2010, CPP have bought over 30 sets of mud system from us.

Other GN HDD mud system projects for CPP:

Year of 2010, GN 500 GPM no dig drilling fluids cleaning system to CPP:

Year of 2011, GN 2 Sets HDD200 Drilling Mud Recycling System for CPP:

Year of 2012, GN 400GPM Mud Solids Removal Unit to CPP:

Year of 2013, GN 500GPM Mud System for CPP China Largest HDD Contractor:

GN 500GPM mud system 2

GN 500gpm HDD mud system for CPP equipped with below solids control equipment:

Shale Shaker, first phase separation equipment, 1 set

Mud Cleaner, second & third separation equipment, 1 set

Centrifugal pump, feeding for desander cone & desilter cone, 2 sets

Tank accessories & electrical control panel system, 1 set

 CPP Shale Shaker

GN 500gpm Mud System Market Profile

GN 500gpm Mud System can be used for many different area projects, like HDD & CBM. For domestic market, GN 500gpm mud system is pretty popular for China HDD contractors, like CPP. For international market, GN 500gpm mud system is popular in over 60 countries and areas, like Australia, Singapore, Mongolia, Israel, Indonesia, Korea, Sudan, South Africa etc.

GN 500GPM mud system

Contact GN Solids Control freely for any requirement please.