2 Sets HDD200 Drilling Mud Recycling System for CPP
2 sets HDD200 drilling mud recycling system for CPP Tianjin Dagang Engineering Construction Co.Ltd.(Hereinafter referred as Dagang Youjian) have been departured to Guangzhou sucessfully.
GN's trenchless drilling mud recycling system have been exported to more than 48 countries and regions. Widely high praises were given back to us for our excellent quality and first class service. At present, we have gained a mature supporting solution in the technic of drilling rig matching as well as the time and efficiency in treating the drilling mud.
HDD200 Drilling Mud Recycling System Mainly Contains:
> BEM Shale Shaker 2 Sets
> Mud Cleaner 1 Set
> Feeding Pump 2 Sets
> Jet Mud Mixer 1 Set
> Mud Tank 1 Set
Advantage of This System
1.This system could quickly purify and process the drilling mud,then re-configure the mud fast for recycling use.It could meet all the demands required.
2.This system adopts express-setup,collapsible guardrail and sidewalk,easy to install & uninstall, save labor cost and time, greatly enhance the efficiency.
3.The shale shaker adopts the most advanced fourth generation BEM (Balanced Elliptical Motion) shale shaker which performs better than the linear motion shale shaker.
This trenchless drilling rig solids controls system is the most reasonable scheme independently researched, developed and produced by GN according to the clients' requirement and remarked positively by the users. For more information about GN products and technical documents, welcome contact with us.
GN400 GPM Mud Solids Removal Unit to CPP
China Petroleum Pipeline Burea has repeated order for more then 15 Sets Mud Solids Removal unit from GN Solids Control.
As is known,CPP is the largest HDD(Horizontal Directional Drilling) contractor in China.
GN 500 GPM no dig drilling fluids cleaning system to CPP
Another 2 sets no dig drilling fluids cleaning system to CPP,GN Solids Control have sent more then 10 sets mud recycling system to China biggest HDD contractor CPP.
We can provide single mud recycling unit or unit with both recycling and mixing.For CPP system,they only chose to have recycling function.
Know more, contact GN consultant.