The Ninth Set of GN drilling Waste Management System shipped to Russia Client

As the first solids control company in China getting vertical cutting dryer this year and the years to come, Hebei GN Solids Control Co., Ltd has been foremost the drilling waste management technology in China with the birth connected with complete drilling waste management system which are now portion in over 10 value packs around the world. Over three pieces are in Africa where our own after sales team is doing having service now, one arranged is in Cyprus for ocean going oil based drilling cuttings therapy. Eights sets are in Italy including four sets provided last December for Baker Hughes. Yesterday, the 9th drilling waste management system is delivered to Russia together with customized insulation covers to get winterization in Russia. It is evident that many solids control vendors in China can producer and provide vertical cutting dryer and drilling waste management system, and GN Solids Control is not the one on lowest price. What GN discover is the high quality at a cost-effective and competitive price. Here is why GN Solids Control finally win many jobs after customers visit every one of the suppliers in China.

GN Drilling Waste Management System
The actual ninth set of drilling waste material management system to The ussr is designed to operate in frosty winter as it always is within Russia with a container as well as heat reservation cover. This specific sets of drilling waste materials management system totally consists of one set vertical cutting dryer with the G drive up to 750 at a twelve hundred RPM and flushing system to avoid blinding on screen basket and at liquids produce channel, two sets decanter centrifuge with one to get solids control the other for more waste treatment, three pieces screw conveyor with a couple of for feeding the up and down cutting dryer and one to get transporting dried powders, in addition to three sets screw pump with one for flushing and two for providing the decanter centrifuge.

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