November 26 2010

A Drilling company from Argentina ordered following Solids Control Equipments from GN.
1)2Ea Desander with 2x10inch desander cones but without understream Shale Shaker.
2)2Ea Desilter with 10x4inch desilter cones but without understream Shale Shaker.
3)11Ea Mud Agitators.
4)1Ea Mud Gas Separator



GN Solids Control company color is Blue,but as we always do,we can give clients customized solutions.This order used customized color by clients-

As the third largest oil producer in Latin America, Argentina is a significant player in the Latin American oil market and, according to the 2008 BP Statistical Energy Survey, had proven oil reserves of 2.586 billion barrels at the end of 2007 or 0.2 % of the world's reserves. Argentina also had 2007 proved natural gas reserves of 0.44 trillion cubic metres, 0.24% of the world total.

Mud Agitatormud gas separator

The 2008 BP Statistical Energy Survey has also reported that Argentina consumed an average of 491.73 thousand barrels a day of oil in 2007, 0.59% of the world total, and consumed 44.1 billion cubic metres of natural gas, 1.5% of the world total. For the same period, Argentina had natural gas production of 44.8 billion cubic metres, 1.51% of the world total, while producing an average of 698.1 thousand barrels of crude oil per day, 0.89% of the world total. Argentina’s refinery capacity in 2007 was 624 thousand barrels a day. Argentina experienced an energy crisis in 2004. State-imposed caps kept energy prices low, which drove a dramatic increase in energy demand that outstripped supply. The government broke a natural gas export contract to Chile, began importing natural gas from Bolivia, and initiated energy rationing. The crisis threatened to stifle Argentina’s economic recovery form the 2002 financial crisis and severely strained the country’s relations with Chile. In 1999, the Spanish oil company Repsol merged with Argentina’s Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF), the formerly state-owned oil company. Repsol-YPF dominates oil exploration and production activities in Argentina. Other significant, oil-producing companies in Argentina include Petrobras, Pan American Energy and Chevron. In October 2004, the Argentine government formed a new, state-owned oil company, Enarsa, to promote oil exploration in the country.

For desander desilter,mud gas separator,mud agitator,and other drilling mud solids control equipments,This order is the first order for GN in Argentia.Like other overseas countries,We all believe this is just a good start for our business in Argentia,GN Solids Control will keeps going faster and faster there.